« Ceci est une arnaque. Ça doit être dénoncé! Le Ministère de la Culture, Arts et Patrimoines ne connait pas cette femme avec son organisation », indique Magloire Paluku, Conseiller en communication de la Ministre de la Culture, Arts et Patrimoines, qui ajoute qu’elle utilise notre projet avec le logo de la République Démocratique du Congo sans autorisations ni signature de son Excellence Madame le Ministre de la Culture, Arts et Patrimoines.
Ceci est punissable par la loi. « Nous allons avertir nos autorités pour arrêter cette mafia au nom de la RDC », promet-il.
NB: Seul le Commissaire doit répondre officiellement sur autorisation de Mme le ministre.
Voici le message en question :
Dear Collective,
I am writing to invite you in a performative project that is part of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Pavilion at the 60 Biennale of Venice, Italy.
The title is “5:50 a.m”, perhaps the only moment of the day when Venice is authenthic concept.
Mass tourism imposes economic dependence on the territories and at the same time cultural and commercial slavery. Venice is probably the most striking example of this. The city of Venice stands on the Vitruvian values of stability, utility and beauty. Not only by limiting flows, but above all by making people aware, we can save Venice. The beauty of Venice, today a bulimic pilgrimage destination that devours everything without attention, has ceased to be a creative paradigm. She is the real excluded, the foreigner everywhere. Nobody speaks her language anymore.
Your involvement.
Make a site specific performative project addressed to the tourists in San Marco Square (the very heart of Venice) with the aim of rise the awareness on the values of stability, utility and beauty (in art) this time applied to convey a social messages of inclusivity and decolonization.
Please find attached a draft of the project’s colophon where there is also your name. Of course we will not include it in the printed version unless you confirm your participation.
Travels and accomodation in Venice will be covered with our budget.
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards,
Federica Forti